Öppen position
Är du den vi söker?
Har du ett brinnande intresse för smink och skönhet? LH cosmetics är i en expansiv fas och vi vill stärka upp teamet ytterligare. Vi söker nu en driven och entusiastisk 'Product & assortment assistant'.
Rätt kandidat gillar och frodas i en fartfylld miljö där ingen dag är den andra lik. Att leverera en skönhetsupplevelse utöver det vanliga för våra kunder är alltid vårt fokus. I din roll som Product & assortiment assistant kommer du att bistå teamet med produktutveckling och sortiment, ansvara för utvärdering och testning av produkter samt olika ad hoc-projekt. Eftersom företaget växer finns det stor potential för karriärutveckling. Du rapporterar till chefen för produktutveckling och sortiment.
Huvuduppgifter och ansvarsområden
- Assistera med projekt inom produktutveckling
- Keeping track of lead times, deadlines and follow-up on those
- Manage testing of products and documenting feedback in writing internally and externally
- Manage focus groups
- Manage shipments related to product development
- Organization and structure of samples, recycling of old samples
- Provide analysis of assortment, shade selection, competitors, and pricing when needed
- Source, suggest and manage relevant competitions to attend
- Sales & marketing information about products
- Manage and/or assist in ad hoc projects
- Possibility to drive and manage new product development projects from idea to finished product
Requirements and skills
- Passionate about makeup and an enthusiastic user of makeup products
- Organized and have the ability to focus on details and adaptable to assist in multiple projects simultaneously
- Feel comfortable with deadlines and a high sense of urgency
- Ability to drive and manage projects
- Ability to communicate effectively with internal and external parties & the ability to work in/with cross-functional teams
- Pro-actively approach, problem-solving attitude and the ability to adapt quickly to changes
- Experience of Microsoft Excel and Power point
- Fluent in Swedish and English
- Previous experience in skincare /color cosmetics and product development is valuable
What we offer
When working for LH cosmetics you will have the opportunity to contribute more than you believe. We offer you an independent and diverse role in a dynamic environment. Our employees’ ideas and initiatives are not only welcome, but a fundamental prerequisite for our company’s growth and development. Hope you become one of us.
The contract is a permanent employment with a trial period of six months.
Start date immediately according to agreement at our headquarters at Katarinavägen 20 in Stockholm. Deadline for application: 23/11 2022. We practice continuous selection.
E-mail your application with CV and your personal letter to: career@lhcosmetics.com.
We look forward to hearing from you.
About LH cosmetics
LH cosmetics is the brain and passion child of renowned Swedish makeup artist and influencer Linda Hallberg.
We’re on a mission to change how people use makeup, to develop a multi-use brand where the colors are only colors, and all colors. We want you to be able to use your creativity and play around with colors without being restrained. We love to play but make no mistake, we’re dead serious about makeup and never compromise on quality. A makeup artist never will.
We have won several awards for our products which are all vegan and have never been tested on animals. Obviously.